Wireless Sensor Core

Multi-Radio Connectivity with Integrated Sensors

  • Cortex M4F 32-bit application processor with 1MB flash memory / 256K RAM
  • 4MB external flash memory
  • GPS receiver included in cellular radio
  • LED indicator
  • Lithium-Ion Polymer battery pack

The PCTEL Wireless Sensor Core (WSC) is a versatile Industrial IoT product line that offers multiple radio connectivity options including cellular, LoRa, Bluetooth® 5, NFC as well as 802.15.4 support.

In addition to several radios, the PCTEL WSC includes several sensors to monitor a variety of physical conditions. These sensors can detect gas, air quality, temperature, relative humidity, acceleration, angular rate of change, magnetic field, and range. For solution optimization, the PCTEL WSC can be ordered with a subset of radios and sensors.

  • Transportation
  • Utilities
  • Industrial process automation

Need a rugged IoT solution with multiple radio connectivity and sensor options?

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